Start-Up Guides

Practical guides to understanding and setting up the hybrid vehicle.

Master Reference Document

Overview of the entire Project prior to this year (2019-2021) including system changes.

AMS Subsystem Guide

Overview of the Accumulator Management System (AMS).

Capacitor Charging Guide

Charging guide for the ultracapacitors that comprise the vehicle accumulator.

Capacitor Testing Guide

Guide for testing the ultracapacitors that comprise the vehicle accumulator.

Engine Start-Up Guide

Guide for starting up the Internal Combustion Engine (ICE) of the vehicle.

General Safety Tips

General safety tips for working with the vehicle's subsystems, particularly the high voltage system.

Kelly Controllers Reflashing Guide

Guide for reflashing the Kelly Controllers used for the motors and generator.

Nextion Editing Guide

Guide to editing the Nextion display used for communicating information to the driver.

Start-Up Guide

Guide for starting up the vehicle's systems.

Website Editing Guide

Guide to connecting to the server domain for editing senior design websites.

Nextion Software Environment Installer

Installer for the version of the Nextion software environment used for the display.

Nextion Display Code

Nextion .HMI file for future reference by Formula Hybrid club.

Nextion Graphics Resources

Images used for the 2022 Nextion GUI.

Linduino Files

Files for reading out voltage and temperature information from the accumulator (see Final Report 2022).